luni, 5 octombrie 2009

Mici si diverse sfaturi

- un expodisc e util - reduce mult munca
- pentru a evita accidentele cu blit-uri: legat cu elastic de bratul umbrelei 1)
- panning - fotografierea obiectelor in miscare (viteza)
- capul panoramic are o utilitate practica limitata doar la acele situatii in care faci o panorama in care iti intra obiecte apropiate de camera (gen banci, stalpi, copaci, cladiri etc), pentru ca acolo devine evidenta eroarea de perspectiva datorata panoramarii incorecte (adica nu in jurul pupilei de intrare). 2)
- Pentru conditii care presupun un timp mai lung de expunere, spre exemplu 1/20, 1/10 secunde sau mai mare, se poate folosi "exposure delay", optiune prezenta pe body-urile Nikon 3)
-Parametrii care influenteaza cel mai mult aspectul tehnic al fotografiilor sunt: expunerea, redarea culorilor si focalizarea. Pe scurt, pentru a fi acceptabile, majoritatea fotografilor trebuie sa fie clare, bine expuse si sa aiba o redare corespunzatoare a culorilor. 4)

1) de mircea pe Sâm Oct 03, 2009 4:35 am
2) de glumetu pe Joi Aug 06, 2009 3:55 pm
3) Re: fotografii realizate noaptea de bogdan_dumitru pe Mie Oct 07, 2009 3:13 pm

marți, 29 septembrie 2009

Ce ii trebuie unui fotograf?

- un aparat foto
- un obiectiv (35, 50 e suficient)
- un trepied
- un curs foto

joi, 27 august 2009

Reuters Photo Technique

vineri, 24 iulie 2009


*Direct sunlight was coming through a large window on the left side of the frame. You can see the bright spot on the floor pointing toward the piano. There were soft rolling shadows all over the wall and furniture from the sunlight bouncing off the white carpet and other light surfaces. It was beautiful light, but the range between the light on the floor and the shadows was too wide to capture with detail.

*I took several frames with just natural light, to get a rough idea of what the shot could feel like

*I did was get an exposure that had some detail in the sun spot on the floor. I wanted it to be bright, but not blown out.

*I shot at ISO 100, and the exposure was 1/125 at f/9.0

*I like to add and work with one light at a time when I am building my lighting setups. I start with the brightest light source. The sun in this case, and work my way down to the fill lights.

* I set up a large softbox on camera left, in front of the window

*I did rearrange quite a bit, I didn’t want to make a complete mess of their home

* The reason for feathering the softbox from the wall was because I wanted to create a darker shadow in the upper left corner of the frame.

*It is kind of important to actually light the subjects with the key as well.

*Clamps and tape are a must if you ask me.

*The goal for the fill light was to control the shadows. I don’t want this light to be even with the sun, or the key (softbox). What I want out of the fill is to bring up the dark shadows to a level that has detail, but still looks and feels like a shadow.


Camera foto virtuala

Shamuss Clisset creeaza o lume virtuala pe care o fotografiaza cu o camera foto tot virtuala.

marți, 21 iulie 2009


Un copac cu flori

Copyright: the blog owner. Contact for details.

luni, 13 iulie 2009

sit cu tutoriale

vineri, 10 iulie 2009

seminar dslr

Reglare balans alb
-tras RAW, White Balance pus pe auto si reglat apoi la post-procesare , dar avand o mostra de alb
-folosind WB pe PRE, apasat mult pe butonul de WB pana incepe PRE sa clipeasca, pozat o zona influentata de lumina de lucru. Daca totul e in regula, nu apare nicio poza si se afiseaza un mesaj de OK.

-punctul de focus in zona ochilor...pentru ca sunt poarta catre suflet.
-astfel se evita si aparitia umbrei sub ochi.

marți, 7 iulie 2009

Reguli de fotografie

Un post excelent exemplificat si ...1 poza face cat 1000 de cuvinte